Azure Cloud AI Services as the Leader and the most visionary at the 2022 Magic Quadrant 

Recently Gartner announced Azure Cloud AI Services as the Leader and the most visionary at the 2022 Magic Quadrant Cloud AI report.

Azure AI leading the industry because of easy to use platform, opensource AI integration, security, privacy, transparency, explainability, responsible use of AI, scalability and various integration capabilities.

Here is a quick overview of Azure AI Services,
Magic Quadrant report 2022:

AI Model Development Platform:

Azure Machine Learning Architecture & Concepts:

Model Deployment (MLOps):

Model Monitoring & Data Drift:

Responsible AI Development: & Requirements:

Azure AutoML Platform:

Computer vision model development using custom vision transfer learning:

Automated Data Labelling for training purpose: &

Multi-Cloud AI platform building:

Pre-Built AI Services:
Cognitive services on Speech, language, vision, decision, openAI

Azure Applied AI Services on Bot, Form Recognized, Cognitive Search, Metrics Advisor, Video Indexer:

Github Co-Pilot, AI Pair programming for developers:

Azure OpenAI Services, large scale AI models for applied use cases:

Project Bonsai, AI for applied engineering:

Easy to use tool to use AI models in real world for RPA (Robotic Process Automation):

To learn more about Azure AI tools:


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