Azure ML Notebook for Data Science and AI Modelling

One of the biggest headache for AI & Data Science modelling is development environment preparation. 

It takes a lot of time and energy to prepare a custom AI development environment where it is secure, no concern regarding private data sharing, easy to scale based on requirements, cost effective and easy to monitor. 

AML Notebook in Azure ML Platform offers easy to use Machine Learning Development platform that offers both code fist & low code features. You can easily secure an AML Notebook environment, upload your dataset in the data store, load them for feature engineering & data processing, build AI models with all the open source python libraries, use different VM sizes to accelerate model training process, register model and deploy your AI model from the same place + It offers model monitoring features too.

Azure ML Notebook is one of the best in the market for security, scalability, reusability, pre-configured environment, customizable options. 
5 steps to use Azure ML Notebook, 
1. Create Azure account here and get 200$ free credit (,  
2. Create Azure ML Workspace
3. Navigate to Azure ML (
4. Create Compute Instance from Compute section
5. Start Jupyter lab / Jupyter / Azure ML Notebook right away and start AI Development đŸ™‚ 

Here are few learning resources, 
How to use jupyter notebook:

Train & Deploy AI Model from Jupyter Notebook:

ML Video training:

Notebook in AML video:
Build Image Classifier in AML:

ML Flow in AML:

Power BI with AML:

Getting started with AML Notebook:


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